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Casey, Rickert issue farewells at meeting

The final Student Association meeting of the 55th session and the fall semester was one of farewell speeches and heartfelt goodbyes. The meeting proved especially meaningful for President Neal Casey and Comptroller Jeff Rickert as they addressed the assembly for the last time.

The meeting was held in the atrium of the William B. Heroy Geology Building at 7:30 p.m. Monday. As the assembly gathered in the atrium, members chattered about the exciting goals met throughout the past session, such as reaching full representation, and possibilities for next semester. The assembly gathered at large linen-covered tables and ate burritos catered by Chipotle.

Most cabinet members spoke of their committee’s successes and all were thankful of the representatives’ continuous efforts to complete projects and start new initiatives.

Taylor Carr, Student Life Committee chair, said that SA was the place he could express his passion for making a difference. Bonnie Kong, chair of the Academic Affairs Committee, stressed the importance of what SA can do for Syracuse University and reminded the assembly that SA can always do more.

Saying goodbye proved difficult for Rickert, who said his role as comptroller for the past two years has shaped his time at SU and has made him a more mature individual.

‘It’s been tough at times — being both the most hated and most loved person in SA — it is hard to juggle that sometimes. I have always tried to make every decision with the best interest of the student body in mind,’ Rickert said. ‘It’s been a great ride.’

Casey began his speech by individually thanking every cabinet member.

‘SA has been an incredibly important organization to me since I started in January of my freshman year,’ Casey said. ‘It has defined my time here at SU, and it has made me fall in love with it.’

The final pieces of advice Casey gave to the assembly included the importance of working with administration and not against it, having patience with issues and decision making, and the necessity of collaboration.

‘Don’t think of just what SA can do for you, but what it can do for all students,’ Casey said.

At the close of Casey’s speech, he wished the next session good luck as the assembly erupted in applause.

Although the meeting functioned as an evening of farewells, business was still conducted with the unanimous passing of a bill titled Elected Student Representative to Syracuse University Alumni Association Board of Directors. The bill added a clause to the election codes enforcing the election of a first-year student to the board who will stay in that office for the entirety of his or her undergraduate career.

Kong lead the motion to pass the bill, originally presented to the assembly for approval at last week’s meeting. The bill was not voted on at that time because it was recalled to the Administrative Operation Committee for review.

SA will reconvene on Jan. 23, 2012, for the first meeting of the 56th session. Dylan Lustig and Stephen DeSalvo, the recently elected president and comptroller, respectively, will run the meeting. 

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