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Letters to the Editor

Interfraternity Council endorses Charlie Mastoloni and Jessica Brosofsky for SA office

The Interfraternity Council is proud to announce our endorsement of Charlie Mastoloni and Jessica Brosofsky for presidential and vice presidential candidates of the Student Association 60th Session. We collectively believe that there is no team more equipped to handle the current needs of the student body, nor is there a duo with more collective experience both inside and outside of Student Association.

Mastoloni and Brosofsky are both incredibly attuned to student life. In fact, in his time at SA, Mastoloni served on the Student Life Committee, which has the specific task of understanding the everyday needs and wants of student life. Brosofsky served on the Board of Elections and Membership, where she created the mentorship program, which is still used today. Outside of Student Association, both Mastoloni and Brosofsky have held leadership positions. Mastoloni served as his fraternity’s philanthropy chair, raising money for the local Syracuse ALS chapters, and Brosofsky is currently the president of her sorority.

As an organization that values its place in the Syracuse University community and culture, and one that hopes to both witness and contribute to its improvement, we see many of our ideals reflected in this campaign. We are happy to throw our full support behind Mastoloni and Brosofsky because we know that they have the capability to bring about true, positive changes to this campus. The Interfraternity Council (IFC) encourages all students to examine their platform and learn about their goals, and we wish them the best of luck in the upcoming election.

Interfraternity Council
Syracuse University

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