Click here for the Daily Orange's inclusive journalism fellowship applications for this year


Duck: Talia Trackim

Sarah Allam | Illustration Editor

When I think of The Daily Orange, I think of love. The immense care and dedication for the daily paper, for the rickety house that came down in January, for traditions and memories forged every night. I think about the kindest, most hard-working people who have given me a home these past three years and made my time at SU meaningful. I loved working here because I was able to work with my best friends every single night. This is my attempt to thank them:

Lucy: You were an incredible PD because you cared so much about The D.O. and about helping us learn and grow. Thank you for still being the first person I go to for advice, for instantly texting back when I asked you questions every other day last semester and for always believing in me. I’m so glad that we’re close friends and am grateful for all of our coffee dates, design chats and shared Vampire Weekend obsession. Your work at The Post is stunning, and it makes me so happy to watch your dreams come true. Let’s get Jeni’s again soon.

Emma Comtois: Despite the fact that we never worked on the same Visuals or Digital staff, I’ve learned from you every day. Your drive, work ethic and desire to push boundaries for yourself and for The D.O. is something that I’ve always tried to emulate. Thank you for the chats in, design advice over brunch, reassuring texts from Copenhagen and for paving a path for design leadership in Digital.

Alexa D.: Your kindness, deep dedication to The D.O. and commitment to creating an inclusive and heartfelt learning environment shaped my view of what leadership should be. Thank you for always making sure I had something to eat at PUP food.

Alexa T.: Thank you for inviting me to lunch before you graduated and for encouraging me to use my voice. You helped me find my place here, and I miss our conversations during your nightly walks around the house.

Sara Swann: Home freshman year was in your living room, watching movies with Sam and Jordan. You gave me a place where I belonged, and I don’t know what I would have done without you that year. You’re the embodiment of love and coziness, and you’re the sweetest friend anyone could ask for. I’ve missed you so much since you graduated; I hope we can be together again soon.

Mara: I’ve learned so much from you and am so grateful to have had your guidance and mentorship this year. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule for phone calls and for all the thoughtful texts. Somehow you always sent them when I needed them most.

Tito: I’m so grateful that Palooza 2019 gave me one of the most valuable mentorships I’ve ever had. You’ve taught me so much, and I owe so much of my growth as a designer to your guidance.

Tomer: Despite never working in house together, you’re one of my favorite people. Thank you for making time to become my friend and for always looking out for me.

Andy: I joined The D.O. because you made working here seem so much fun at open-house my freshman year. Thank you for dancing better, thinking bigger and laughing harder than anyone else. Parties aren’t the same without you.

Stacy: You were one of the first people who truly made me feel at home when I joined The D.O. My first semester was special because of people like you. Thank you for making sure I got home safe every night.

Moreo: You’ve always been such a dear friend to me. You champion visual communicators like no one else, and your inner light and golden heart make the world a better place.

Katie Czerwinski: Thank you for teaching me AfterEffects in your dorm room at 3 a.m. You have the biggest heart, the best laugh and the most insane animation skills of anyone I know. I miss you.

Kateri: A design queen! I loved working with you so much freshman year. Thank you for always being so kind and helpful. You’re too humble for how incredibly talented you are.

Rachel Sandler: Thank you for becoming friends with me and making a lonely freshman feel loved and included; I wish we’d had more time together.

Schafer: You’re f*cking awesome, and working with you in Sports was always so fun. Now one more time: Gluten is wheat, rye and barley. Stop getting alarmed when you see me eating rice.

Kaci: We’ve come a long way since #thesameplan, and your constant creativity, innovation and desire to push the boundaries of digital journalism amazes me. Thank you for always being such a good friend. Let’s have a wine night soon.

Gabe: Joking around with you during production always managed to calm me down and put a smile on my face. Keep grinding; the world needs journalists like you.

India: Your ability to stay grounded in kindness served the News section so much. I can’t wait to read the book I know you’ll write someday.

Sandhya: Seeing you around campus genuinely fills me with so much joy because our conversations are always so meaningful and heartfelt. I’m so grateful that I know you.

Lydia: Your Pulp transformation showed me what it means to pour your heart into something, to never give up on it and to see the potential for what it can be. That mindset will take you so far. I’ll miss you next year.

Laura Angle: Your friendship and mentorship has meant the world to me. Thank you for rants in the Steele Center, for Kubal coffee dates and for teaching me so much at Pixels and Print this year. I can’t wait to see where the design world takes you.

Mackenzie: Working with you last spring was so much fun. You absolutely killed it as video editor, and your ability to pour your entire heart into everything you do is unreal. Let’s get brunch soon.

Sessa: Thank you for being so great to work with last semester. I still haven’t recovered from your scathing editorial boards.

Emma Folts: Watching you handle what’s been the most tumultuous news cycle in recent history with so much grit and grace was inspiring. I always knew you’d do amazing things here, and I can’t wait to watch you shine as ME.

Diana R: You’re one of the funniest, wittiest and most creative people I’ve ever met. Thank you for being such a joy to work with and for showing the world that the Power of Pulp is incredible.

KJ: Getting to work with you on guides was one of my favorite parts of being PD. Thank you for always trusting me so much and for being the best work husband. One last time: Hey, can we talk?

Elizabeth: You’re one of the most talented and dedicated staffers I’ve ever seen. Thank you for laughing and smiling every night. I’m so lucky I had you on my staff.

Sarah Lee: Getting to know you was one of my favorite parts of spring 2020. Stick with The D.O., I know you’re going to do great things here.

Sarah Allam: Working with you every day this year was a dream come true! Thank you for all the last minute illos, for constant strokes of genius and for handling everything with grace and style. I can’t wait to see your work in The Met someday.

Susie: Your sweet and easy-going nature always made productions go so smoothly, and it was incredible to watch you grow so much last year. I’m so glad you still come to D.O. parties; they wouldn’t be the same without you.

Anna H: When you told me you were going to duck last year, you reminded me that what makes The D.O. so special is the people who fill it. I’ve held that conversation so close to me this year; it’s helped me stay grounded. Thank you for loving The D.O. for all the right reasons.

Katie G: You’re an exceptionally talented designer, and you’ve proven every day how committed you are to the craft. I know you’ll continue to be an example for the next generation of designers to come.

Shannon: One of my greatest joys of the year has been watching you fall in love with design. You have a brilliant creative vision. I can’t wait to see all that you do here.

Katie M.: You don’t give yourself enough credit. You’re so sharp, creative and passionate, and I’m so excited to watch you take digital to new heights next semester.

Emily: From coming in nearly three nights a week to design or single-handedly photographing 50% of our paper, you have shown so much tenacity and drive that has helped you become an incredible designer and will serve you well as photo editor. You’re going to be amazing.

Nabeeha: I couldn’t be prouder of you. Taking on the role of PD as a first-semester sophomore is no easy task, but your artistic vision, warm heart and knack for doing what’s right will take you so far. I can’t wait to see your design style all over the paper next year; it’s going to be beautiful.

Molly: Whenever I feel stressed or overwhelmed, talking to you always calms me down. Thanks for being such a great friend; I can’t wait to live together next year!

Danny: I’m so glad that I found a close friend in you this semester. I’m amazed by how hard you grind, all while reminding me not to take anything too seriously. Cheers to all the kickbacks we’ll have next year when we’re not working at a newspaper anymore.

Kelsey: My Cancer sister, I’ve never met someone who *gets me* quite like you do. Our long talks in Pulp and over Twitter DMs about all of our shared experiences have meant so much to me. Here’s to hoping one day we’ll finally get our gluten-free, dairy-free, soy-free PUP food.

Rori: You’ve been a constant source of friendship to me and so many others over the past three years. You love The D.O. so much and so selflessly, because you genuinely care about the people in it. That’s an institution in itself.

Maeve: My SEO queen, we’ve come a long way since our days sitting side by side, wrapped in blankets and trying to stay warm while running the Digital section last spring. Thank you for everything. You’ve taught me so much, and have given Digital a breath of life that will impact The D.O. for years to come. Never doubt yourself; you’re going to have an incredible future.

Aishwarya: You’re one of the most amazing people I’ve ever met. You champion the brightest ideas, encourage people to be the best versions of themselves and lead with the utmost grace and kindness that made you a stellar ME. Your friendship means so much to me, and I love following your art journey post-grad.

Kennedy: You were one of the first friends that I made in-house, and I’m so glad that our friendship has grown so much in the years since. Thank you for always asking me how I am, for making gluten-free brownies and for encouraging everyone to be their true, wacky, powerful selves.

Ali: Who knew when I met you I’d get a mentor and a bff all wrapped into one! I literally owe so much to you. You champion everyone that you meet and are the best cheerleader, which made you such a great PD and ME. I know we’ll be reunited someday, but in the meantime, I hope you enjoy the mountain air and sunshine, freshly baked cake and avocados and everything that makes your golden heart shine.

Jordan: Thank you for inviting me to hang out with you, Sara and Sam that one afternoon freshman year. You brought me into a family and gave me lifelong friendships, including ours. We’ve been through so much together and have been there for each other through all of our ups and downs over the past couple of years. Thank you for always having my back.

Bridget: My sweet design mum, I love you so much. Your endless dedication to your friends, your selfless pursuit of activism through your work and your effortlessly charming and cozy design style are things that I admire about you so much. I couldn’t be more grateful for our friendship. Thank you for inviting me over for tea, for giving me endless design advice and for always bringing all of our friends together for movie nights and dinners. You’re an amazing person.

Kevin: You’re my one true design partner-in-crime. No matter what we’re doing, from running from class to The D.O., to collaborating on multiple splash pages, to suddenly leading our classmates to produce a project in the midst of a pandemic, there’s nothing we can’t do together. It’s been amazing to watch you grow and find your own personal style over the past couple of years. I’m so grateful to have you in my life.

Amy: We started working in-house together, so it feels right that we’re leaving together too. I’m so lucky to have gotten to work with you and learn from you over the past three years. You’re amazing at everything you do, from design, to digital, to editorial, you put your heart and creativity into all your work. Never sell yourself short. Thank you for being the best roommate and such a dear friend, through it all.

Casey: My sweet bean, it seems like just yesterday we were freshmen designers. We grew up together, and I’m so happy that I’ve had you as a dear friend through absolutely everything. You have more passion for The D.O. than anyone else, and I know your ability to see its potential will serve The D.O. so well. Remember to breathe, to believe in yourself and to believe in your staff. You’re going to be amazing.

Corey: I’m pretty sure we’re soulmates who were meant to work together. You always say that you’ve learned from me, but it’s the opposite; you’ve taught me so much: that emotions are our superpower, that there’s a playlist for every moment and that love is the root of storytelling. I couldn’t have made it through this year without you. You have so much wisdom and compassion, and you see the beauty in everything. It shows through your work. You’ve been an amazing photo editor, and I’m so, so proud of you. We have a lifelong sisterhood now; let’s hang out all the time next year.

Sam: Despite everything we’ve been through, alternating ridiculously difficult jobs at The D.O., we’ve come out the other end stronger and more connected than I ever thought two people could be. Thank you for everything. For always believing in me when I start to doubt myself. For hours-long phone calls from Tampa to Minneapolis. For us finding our way back to each other. For showing me how to get out of my head and truly live. I don’t know what I would have done without you this year. More than any newspaper office, you have been my home over these past few years, and Syracuse will not be the same without you. We’ll be back together soon, ready to embark on whatever next adventure life has in store for us. I’m ready if you are.

Leffert: When I think about where we started forever ago and where we are now, I know that we’re meant to be friends for the rest of our lives. We both love this place so much and have grown up in it together; it’s only fitting we were ME and PD at the same time. Thank you for constantly cheering me on and believing in me like no one else, for being there for me through everything and for leading this place so well as ME and being a friend to everyone who’s worked here. Your friendship means everything to me and has defined so much of my college experience. I’m heartbroken that our time together at SU is over, but I know this isn’t really goodbye. Wherever we are, no matter how far apart, I know we’ll always be best friends and just a phone call away. I love you so much.

Haley: We both fully realized the institutional weight of this place when we were transitioning last year. It’s not an easy thing to carry, but it’s pushed you to lead The D.O. with purpose, conviction and unwavering kindness and selflessness. You’re one of the few people that truly understands and shares my deep love for The D.O. and why it means so much to me. I’m so happy that we’ve been able to share that and support each other throughout this year. You were an incredible EIC and made my time as PD so special, and I’m so glad that in working with you every night I gained a lifelong best friend. It’s going to be so strange next year without The Orange in our lives, but I know that we’re up for the challenge. I’m just glad we’ll have each other – always.

Mom, Dad, Andrew, Jadon & Grammy: Everything I am, I am because of you. Thank you for being so supportive, for putting up with me talking about nothing but The D.O. every time I come home for break, and for helping me find my place in the world. I love you.

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