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Student Association

Seedat updates assembly on ride-hailing services, public safety committee

Student Association President Aysha Seedat discussed the progress of her plans to reinstate a public safety committee and bring a ride-hailing service, similar to Uber, to Syracuse at Monday night’s SA meeting.

Seedat said that she and Vice President Jane Hong met last week with Department of Public Safety Chief Bobby Maldonado to discuss reinstating the DPS Safety Committee and how the committee would be structured. Seedat said she will be attending Maldonado’s Commanders Meeting on Wednesday to go over it further.

Seedat also updated the assembly on her progress in bringing an Uber-like service to Syracuse. Currently, Uber is illegal in New York, except for in New York City. However, Seedat said she is in the process of scheduling phone calls with student governments at the University of Rochester, the University at Albany and the University at Buffalo in hopes that they will join her in writing a joint proposal to make Uber legal in upstateNew York.

Seedat added that she will be meeting soon with Elin Riggs, Syracuse’s director of Off-Campus and Commuter Services, to discuss the proposal.

“This is definitely something that I know a lot of students would really appreciate,” Seedat said.

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