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Students may face suspension or expulsion for hosting parties, gatherings

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Students who cannot follow the "Stay Safe Pledge" should take classes remotely for the fall semester, an SU official said.

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Syracuse University students may face disciplinary action for holding social gatherings of more than 25 people, leaving the central New York area or not participating in mandated coronavirus testing during the fall semester, the university announced Tuesday.

In a “Stay Safe Pledge” released Tuesday, the university outlined the health behaviors it expects students to follow to prevent the spread of COVID-19 on campus this fall. Students who violate the guidelines could be referred to the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities for a conduct violation even if they did not sign the pledge, said Rob Hradsky, vice president for the student experience, in a campus-wide email.

Students or student organizations that put the university at a “significant health risk” by throwing parties or violating isolation and quarantine orders could face suspension or expulsion, Hradsky said. Less severe violations, such as not social distancing or wearing a mask, could earn students a disciplinary warning or probation.

Students who can’t follow the pledge should take classes remotely for the fall semester, Hradsky said.

“The actions you take over the next few months will determine whether we can be on campus together throughout the fall,” Hradsky said. “Abiding by the practices in the Stay Safe Pledge will be imperative to a successful semester.”

Under the guidelines, students can’t gather with more than 25 people and must practice social distancing during social gatherings. SU will also require students to remain in the central New York area for the duration of the fall semester.

Students are also required to follow all quarantine or isolation orders from the university and to cooperate fully with SU’s contact tracing program. The pledge also urges students to refrain from attending class or participating in activities if they exhibit symptoms of COVID-19 or are waiting for test results.

OSRR will expedite cases related to public health and safety, according to its website.

“The safety of our community is a shared responsibility, and our actions can put ourselves and others at risk,” Hradsky said. “We must all do our part to keep the Orange community safe.”

Here is the university’s full list of expected health behaviors, as listed in the pledge:

  • Practicing social distancing and wearing a mask at all times.
  • Receiving a flu shot from the university.
  • Regularly washing hands and cleaning surfaces.
  • Not attending class or extracurricular activities if exhibiting symptoms, waiting for test results, or testing positive for COVID-19.
  • Participating in all university testing, including campus-wide testing upon return.
  • Following all guidelines from New York state and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention throughout the semester.
  • Following isolation and quarantine guidance.
  • Being completely honest during the contact tracing process.
  • Limiting social gatherings to under 25 people.
  • Staying in the central New York area for the entire semester.
  • Monitoring health on a regular basis and notifying the university of possible symptoms of COVID-19.
  • Encouraging others to follow the guidelines.

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